
Graciela Dean is Chosen as 买世界杯app推荐’s 2019 EAGLE Winner

Graciela Dean has been named the 2019 Exceptional Adult Georgian in Literacy Education (EAGLE) Winner for 买世界杯app推荐.

Graciela Dean EAGLE 2019年获奖者2019年3月6日,佐治亚州奥古斯塔– Graciela Dean has been named the 2019 Exceptional Adult Georgian in Literacy Education (EAGLE) Winner for 买世界杯app推荐.

The announcement of Dean as the winner was made by President Terry D. Elam at the 教师 and 工作人员 Meeting on Tuesday, December 11, 2018, at 买世界杯app推荐.

EAGLE is the first statewide program in the nation that recognizes and rewards excellence among students enrolled in adult education programs.  This student recognition program is designed to create greater awareness of educational opportunities that are available in local communities across the state and to foster greater involvement in lifelong learning pursuits.  夫人的宣布. Dean as the 买世界杯app推荐 EAGLE winner, followed by her giving the college-winning speech, was met with resounding applause and a standing ovation from the audience.

"The adult education program has prepared me for college and career-readiness,” stated Dean. “The experience has been challenging, but with assistance from the amazing instructors in the adult education program, 我已经学会说话了, 写, and understand the English language, which has strengthened my academic confidence. Because of this, I am currently attending 奥古斯塔 Tech for a degree in Accounting. The 奥古斯塔 Tech 成人教育 program has helped me to communicate with others and get a job.  这个程序可以帮助任何人, from any background or starting point, be an educated and skilled member of their community and state.”

夫人. Dean has been chosen to represent 买世界杯app推荐 at the EAGLE Leadership Institute on March 11-13, 2019.  The Leadership Institute recognizes and honors those students who have demonstrated superior achievement in adult education classes and programs.

The Technical College System of Georgia (TCSG,) through its Office of 成人教育 (OAE), sponsors the annual EAGLE Leadership Institute.

The state winner will carry the title of Technical College System of Georgia EAGLE Winner and will serve as the state’s ambassador for adult education. The winner exemplifies excellence and a commitment to the mission of the Technical College System of Georgia’s Office of 成人教育 and makes many public appearances throughout the year, including the TCSG Leadership Conference and the TCSG Board Meeting, 举几个例子. The state winner will also receive a full two-year scholarship to the technical college of his or her choice.

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3200奥古斯塔理工大学博士ive, 奥古斯塔,GA 30906

If you would like more information about this topic, please contact Kimberly Holden Director of Community Engagement & 公共事务.

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